Travel involves the knowledge of different cultures and here are some tips we want to share in order to help you avoid simple mistakes, so I put together this giant list of my best travel tips that cover everything:

  • Always pack a towel. It is important to carry a personal towel in order to have it every time you need it.
  • Buy a small backpack/suitcase. It is recommended to choose a small backpack in order to avoid extra cost at the airport and be uncomfortable to travel with a huge luggage.
  • Take an extra bank card and credit card with you. Just in case that there is a problem with your main credit card. You have another option.
  • Don’t be afraid to use a map. Google Maps is the best tool to find places around you.
  • When you go out, take only what you need. To avoid uncomfortable travels, it is important to just carry a few things.
  • Make extra copies of your passport and important documents. This is essential for tramits just in case and if it is needed.
  • Take pictures of your luggage and clothes. If there is a problem, it is better to have pruebes that it is yours.
  • Carry emergency cash. It’s recommended to carry extra cash for an emergency in case something happens during your travel.
  • Get travel insurance. Travel insurance is the most important thing you get that you never want to use. If something goes wrong, you won’t spend a lot of money.